Freedom Thru Christ Ministries

We are now expanding to include a Marriage Ministry.( Counseling, Wedding ceremonies,etc.)
Coming Soon.....
              A page for those who are or have dealt with Domestic Violence Issues. There is a great need in this area.



The Bible, God’s word is the best weapon you have to fight your demons.

Sin is powerful and addictive, but Jesus has already paid the price for your sins.

God always works in processes. Don’t panic if change isn’t immediate and don’t give up when you think He’s through with you. The growth process is never ending.

God can use you and your experiences to help someone else. Remember how alone you felt and how ashamed you felt in the beginning and reach out to those who are where you have been.

Confessing you sins to God isn’t enough you must repent (turn away from) your old ways.

Use support groups, they are very helpful.  Don’t be afraid to talk about your problems, someone may say something that helps you. Better yet, you may get an opportunity to help someone else.


"Be strong in the Lord and the power of his might" Ephesians 6:10
             Even if you feel powerless against your addiction, remain strong in your faith in God and let His power conquer that addiction.

Mature couple w/ kite
Jesus can give us freedom from our addictions

Saint Luke's Evangelical Christian Ministries

Vineyard Christian Fellowship

Home | Prayer Requests | 12-Steps and Their Biblical Comparisons | How To Have Your Freedom Thru Christ | Local AA/NA Meetings | Being Accountable | Advice | Comfort Page | TESTIMONY

1 John 1:19 "but if we confess our sins to Him, He is faithful and just to forgive us and to cleanse us from every wrong."