Here is some advice from my own experiences and the experiences
of a few other people.
---Do not question God's will. Just accept it and live with it.
---Be careful who you associate with.
--If you give someone a ride and they have a controlled substance in their possession, you will be
arrested along with them, simply because they are in your vehicle.
--If you get a ride from someone who has a controlled substance in their possession, you will be
arrested right along with them, because you were in their vehicle and are associated with them.
----It doesn't matter that the controlled subtance is not on your physical person. You are guilty
by association.----
--Don't even have a controlled substance in your system if you have your children with you--YOU WILL
LOSE THEM!! It is considered Child Abuse and Neglect. I have seen so many parents who are fighting to get their
children back. Another reason to not even take the chance...another reason to stay clean.
--If you are using, remember that no one is your friend. Trust me they will stab you in the back
to save their own hides in the end.
---Speaking from experience and observation, I can say that recovery and disassociation from those
who are still using is your safest bet. Change your playground and your playmates. Put God, yourself,and your family first.
---If you are doing UA's and it comes up hot, don't blame it on cold medicine.
Anyone with a brain knows that pseudophedrine will not cause a UA to come up hot. I take OTC cold meds and have NEVER
had a hot UA. Pseudophedrine alone is not enough to produce a hot UA. Simply take responsibility for your actions.
Don't pass the buck.
I hope these tips help someone in need. Some of us had to learn the hard way.
God can make the changes necessary for you to have a free life in Christ Jesus.
May God bless you on your road to recovery.
~Rev. Donna Bogeart~